Love~Learn~Grow~Change: Summary and Review

love-learn-grow-change-250Love~Learn~Grow~Change is a tool you can use anytime, anywhere, and in any situation.

It is like a compass that will give you perspective and clarity and set you on a path toward solutions that are unique for you.

It is a model that is useful to anyone on The Ascendant Life journey. Here is a summary of the key points in the course.

The 4 Keys To Applying the LLGC Cornerstones

  1. Slow Yourself Down
  2. Be Openly Engaged with Curiosity and Focus
  3. Hold the Focus on Your Intention
  4. Allow and Receive

The “smalls”

  • small-l love is provisional. It is conditional.
  • small-l learn is built on information that is relevant in the short term
  • small-g grow refers to that which can be measured by an external standard.
  • small-c change is shifting the things you perceive to have control over, such as personal property.

The “Bigs”!

  • Big-L Love is unconditional. It is inclusive.
  • Big-L Learn is built on information that is relevant to new focus and new direction in your life.
  • Big-G Grow refers to that which is measured by intangibles such as a sense of aliveness, fulfillment and verve of Life living through you.
  • Big-C Change is following the deep call of Life to become the person you were meant to be.

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