Learn~Love~Grow~Change: CHANGE
Change is the final quadrant of the Love~Learn~Grow~Change model and the last stop on the cycle.
Of course, because it is a cycle with no real beginning or end, after CHANGE the process continues again….then again….and then again.
Change is constant. You can count on it as surely as night follows day and water flows downhill.
This part of the cycle is also the most active.
It is here that you move with awareness and choice toward
becoming the person who you want to be.
Without conscious and pro-active CHANGE in the cycle, the treasures mined in the other three quadrants will be either forgotten…
… or they will disintegrate into the past, with nothing gained.
CHANGE is where the metaphorical rubber meets the proverbial road!
It’s where YOU really start to happen!
As in the other lessons, understanding this quadrant begins with the distinction between small-c change and Big-C Change.
Small-c change is when you shift something you appear to have control over; usually something “external” such as personal property, location, or relationships.
When you are in an effort to achieve a result and you decide to change something in your life such as a job, a house, a car, a hairstyle, a relationship, an outfit, or a habit (to name just a few examples), you are making small-c changes.
These can, of course, be momentous and significant alterations in the way your life looks… and so the importance of small-c change is not to be discounted.
But, to be clear, small-c change is nothing more than a shift in outward appearance or circumstance. In fact, small-c change – taken on its own without the Big C variety – is not a solution.
If you attend only to small-c change (changing a relationship, for example), a repeating pattern usually kicks in and culminates in the same problem but with different players! And so it goes….
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Quick Quiz!
[rapid_quiz question=”Which of the following is TRUE about “small-c change”?” answer=”D. B and C are TRUE” options=”A. It only relates to the little things in life, like changing your brand of toothpaste|B. It can be a substantial, such as moving you and your family to a new city|C. small-c change can lead to repeating patterns|D. B and C are TRUE” notes=”Both B and C are True.”]
Big-C Change is, of course, very different.
Big-C Change is when you become aware that something “greater” wants to be expressed through you…
…. and you begin to partner with it.
To exist is to change,
to change is to mature,
to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.
~Henri Bergson
Big-C Change is what happens when a person follows “The deep Call of Life” to become the person they want to be.
As the last stop on our model, Big-C Change represents the conscious action that emerges from the wisdom of LOVE, LEARN and GROW.
Ironically, because Big-C Change is so transformational – and it pulls and tugs in so many ways – there is a tendency to ignore its call.
It can feel too big; or too difficult…
And when busily attending to the small-c stuff gets you thinking you have control of things (which you probably don’t!), the distractions can cause you to ignore the call of Big-C Change.
Answering the transformational call of Big-C Change is a Radical Act!
Here are just a few examples of what you get when you make Big-C Change a priority in your quest for personal empowerment:
- You more easily “See the big picture” in your situations and circumstances.
- You are able to say “No” without guilt or justification.
- You no longer respond on autopilot to others (parents, family, peers, etc.) because you have deeply healed your needs in relationship.
- You are no longer “hooked” by circumstances because your awareness is broader, you are self-responsible, and you are resourceful.
To create the opportunity to experience the CHANGE quadrant you will have to
Allow and Receive
This is about the act of letting yourself have the new possibilities that flow into your life. It also means rising above the idea that you are in debt or obligated to pay back the gifts that life gives you.
It also means, however, that you take on the responsibility for the consequences of your choices and actions.
It is in this way that you fully embrace CHANGE and include the power of the three quadrants, LOVE, LEARN and GROW that came before,
You set yourself up for a productive and empowering next turn of the cycle!
Practice these simple steps for feeling into the power of the CHANGE perspective
- Slow down
- Think of any current situation or circumstance that is going on in your life.
- Open yourself to Allow and Receive what you need to know and do
- Ask these questions
“Am I Changing?”
“What is the greater expression, or change, that wants to live through me in this situation?”
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Quick Quiz!
[rapid_quiz question=”Which of these are elements that make up the quality of Big-C Change?” answer=”D. A and C” options=”A. Taking conscious action that includes full responsibility|B. Getting efficient with chores around the house |C. Action that is courageous and may seem radical.|D. A and C” notes=”Both A and C are True.”]
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