Love~Learn~Grow~Change: GROW

GROW is the next position in the Love~Learn~Grow~Change~

The power of this cornerstone is to

Expand awareness of who you are, what you are up to…
and why!

In the last 40 to 50 years the word “grow” has taken on new meaning to many people. Before then, it mostly referred to the thing that plants, pets and hair would do!

Today, it has developed into a word that describes a feeling inside of you…

An internal sense that something is arising, evolving and emerging.

The self-help, personal growth and life coaching industries are responsible for much of what “grow” means to us in our vocabulary today.

And, once again, we begin to understand this quadrant by making an important distinction between “small-g grow” and “Big-G Grow”.

small-g grow refers to that which is measured by an external standard!

For example, small-g grow occurs when we put attention on whether something is getting bigger, expanding in some way, or simply taking up more space. We can measure it by weight, length, height, depth, amount, degree, or some other measure.

Someone might say, “That plant has grown too big for its’ pot!” or, “My investment in that project is growing substantially”, and “This degree will make my resume more substantial”.

These measurements are valuable to you in many ways, but they are not personal to who you are becoming as a person.
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Quick Quiz!

The context of small g-grow refers to that which is measured by external standards.
[rapid_quiz question=”Which of the following is NOT an example of small g-grow?” answer=”He never did find out who stole from him.” options=”She lost 10lbs on the new diet|Her son’s feet grew two shoe sizes during the summer holidays.|He never did find out who stole from him.|The DJ expanded his playlist in hopes of attracting more clients.” notes=”Correct: “]

Big-G Grow is different, and it is where whole life coaching really shines.

This Grow involves the feeling you have when there is a sense of thriving – something is evolving and emerging – and you feel a connection to greatness in your life experience….

…. Big-G Grow occurs even when the circumstances in your life may appear to be contracting, or negative, from an external point of view.

Here are examples of things people have said from a Big-G Grow perspective:

  • “I’ve had to become resilient to make this economy work for me.”
  • “When it comes to being in those meetings, I’m now more confident; I’m calmer and more articulate, too.”
  • “I’m more grounded and connected to myself. When I perform I know I’m getting across all of what I want to say”.

Big-G Grow is measured by aliveness, fulfillment and the verve of Life living through you!

We find this excerpt from the Tao Te Ching to be a clear and beautiful summation of the distinction between small-g and Big-G GROW:

Knowing others is intelligence;
Knowing yourself is true wisdom.
Mastering others is strength;
Mastering yourself is true power.                                      

 To gain from an experience of the GROW quadrant you will have to

Hold The Focus On Your Intention.

Focus, as we saw in the last lesson, is like a lens that lights its subject on fire.

Intention is a creative force that is strengthened by you knowing what you want.

And what you want is strengthened by knowing that the dreams you are living and the promises you are keeping are yours alone and belong to you!

Together, these add up to the power of the GROW cornerstone and an element of Aliveness that simply breathes Possibility!


When you want to know the essence of the GROW quadrant there is a quick and easy way to light it up.

  1. Slow down
  2. Think of any current situation or circumstance that is going on in your life.
  3. Amp up your Focus and the Intention you have for that situation or circumstance.
  4. Ask these questions

Am I Growing?”


“What is the opportunity for me to thrive in this circumstance?”

Make some notes and answer the question below.
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Quick Quiz!

[rapid_quiz question=”Which of these is NOT a quality you would associate with Big-G GROW? ” answer=”Evaluating progress by external measures” options=”Knowing and Mastering yourself|Genuinely feeling a setback as a gift and an opportunity |Feeling Vitality, Aliveness and Fulfillment.|Evaluating progress by external measures” notes=”Using external measures is a small-g grow attribute.”]
You are ready to carry on to the next – and final – cornerstone                                                                                                  …CHANGE.

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