Love~Learn~Grow~Change: LEARN
LEARN is the next stop on the Love~Learn~Grow~Change cycle….
When it comes to learning we must acknowledge that we live in an environment where information – and more of it every day– is coming at us faster than ever before in all of human history.
Some of that information is useful to us and a lot of it is either of little value or totally useless.
More than likely, “information overload” has crept into your life!
small-l learning arises when information is relevant to you in the short term only!
For example, small-l learn takes place when you process information such as the news of the day, the score of the game, tomorrow’s weather, posts on Facebook, or what Sally said to Harry last night at the pub.
It has value to you right now, or in the short term, and you use it to further something that is important to you in the moment or near future. When you are done with it you either forget about it or file it.
You used the information you learned about, but you didn’t learn anything that is going to fundamentally shift how you see yourself, the world, or your place in it!
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Quick Quiz!
Please answer the following questions:
[rapid_quiz question=”“I forgot everything I learned in college, so that means my degree was small-l learning”” answer=”False” options=”True|False” notes=”False”]
[rapid_quiz question=”Small-l learning is essential to our everyday functioning and survival.” answer=”True” options=”True|False” notes=”True”]
“Big-L” Learn is different.
This kind of Learning is based on AH-HA! moments…
…Moments where you have a shift in perception that changes how you see the world.
For example Ziggy, the cartoon philosopher, says
“You can complain because roses have thorns or you can rejoice because thorns have roses.”
Sometimes it is like this:
Big-L Learning is created by a shift in perception that compels you to compile a new set of information, knowledge and skills.
And you turn that into a new kind of competency or wisdom.
Big-L Learning is built on information that is relevant to new focus and new direction in your life.
To give yourself the opportunity to experience the LEARN quadrant, you will have to
Openly Engage Your Curiosity and Focus.
Curiosity at its best is playful and full of delight. It is as natural as a child investigating all sorts of creepy crawlies and making up games with his or her friends. They stay engaged in fun and exploration until told they have to go to bed!
Focus, in its most pure state, is effortless. The desire to know, create, solve a problem, or master a craft or a subject….
…. all capitulate to the power of focus.
Curiosity and Focus — combined with a compelling urge to know something fully — is an unstoppable force.
You can step into the power of this quadrant and deepen your learning about anything you want.
You can know your life more completely when you LEARN deeply.
You can understand what is occurring in your present circumstances more fully.
And you can create a future that is built upon the foundation of you knowing who you are.
All this is found in the LEARN cornerstone.
There is a quick and easy way to awaken the essence of the LEARN quadrant.
- Slow down
- Think of any current situation or circumstance that is going on in your life.
- Engage your Curiosity and Focus
- Ask these questions
“Am I Learning?”
“What are the learning gems hidden in this circumstance?”
Lock in this lesson with the quiz, below, and write down some thoughts in your journal.
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Quick Quiz!
How would you classify these?
[rapid_quiz question=”In what seemed like an instant the child knew how to ride the bicycle.” answer=”Big-L Learning” options=”small-l Learning|Big-L Learning” notes=”Big-L Learning”]
[rapid_quiz question=”He found out that no one in the group wanted to meet the following week.” answer=”small-l Learning” options=”small-l Learning|Big-l Learning” notes=”small-l Learning”]
[rapid_quiz question=”The feedback made him realize he was undervaluing his service and how much he needed to charge to truly feel his worth.” answer=”Big-L learning” options=”small-l Learning|Big-L learning” notes=”Big-L Learning”]
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