It happens so often that most of us have learned not to notice. It has become one of those things we don’t talk about because we think it’s normal.

So, I decided to give it some airtime and finally get things out in the open.

Maybe, though, I’ll talk around it for a while without saying what it is.

Without saying what really needs to be said.

Maybe you’ll figure it out on your own. That would be great.

Maybe you’ll even respond in the way I hope you will – without ever having to tell you what I want or where I stand on the subject.

Have you got it?


Now that we’re in agreement, we can continue not talking about it!

*         *         *         *

Frustrating, right?

And we are going to talk about this RIGHT NOW, because communication with this pattern of ambiguity is one of the most destructive and, sadly, common relationship pitfalls.

To illustrate, there is a story in Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell, that describes what Korean Airlines went through when faced with having the world’s worst air safety record several years ago.

The company had to root out the cause of its tragic dilemma and the answer, when it finally came to light, was NOT what anyone expected.

Their investigations revealed that it was neither mechanics nor technology that were to blame.

It was human error!  And it was unconscious, systemic, and hidden in plain sight throughout the company.

A cultural bias was discovered that had insinuated itself into the corporate mindset with devastating consequences. Consultants and investigators identified the culprit as a persistent language pattern called mitigated speech.

The underlying problem: the social hierarchy established over many generations prohibits a person of lower social status to directly give their opinion to a person of higher rank.

For example, a co-pilot or engineer seeing that the ice on the wings might be a problem would be out of order if he spoke out of turn to the pilot.

His rank lacked authority, so it was socially risky to speak a direct opinion.

In one Korean Air incident the First Officer was recorded saying, “Look how the ice is just hanging on back there. See that?” and “See all those icicles on the back there and everything?”

That’s Mitigated Speech.

This indirect form of speech rates only slightly better than saying nothing at all, because there is a slim chance that maybe there will be a response that is hoped for. Much of the time, though, it backfires!

*         *         *         *

In this far-reaching example, the social order and the need to belong literally eclipsed the need to survive. It’s an extreme warning of how, if left unchecked, mitigated language can be catastrophic.

Less dramatic incidents of this language pattern occur time and time again in each of our lives. If you know what to look for – actually, what to listen for – you can turn the vagueness of mitigated speech into direct and authoritative language.

*         *         *         *

When we mitigate speech or someone mitigates around us, you can be sure there is a lack of empowerment being felt in the relationship. In a misguided attempt to be heard, the mitigating speaker is indirect in their language. They don’t want to risk offending anyone while also being unaware, usually, that their style is experienced as manipulative. As such, they ultimately sabotage the outcome they really want.

Because they fear upsetting the status quo, they believe their only option is to ask for what they want by hinting at things. The end result is that they leave their desire in the hands of others, and often wind up resentful, angry and feeling betrayed.

Here are a few more examples of mitigated speech:

Mitigating: “Nobody ever helps me clean up.”

Direct: “Will you help me clean up, please?”

Mitigating: “Maybe the HR department needs to know about this situation.”

Direct: “Joanne, please call the HR department about this situation today and get back to me when it’s done.”

Another way to mitigate is to make a statement without following up with another question or statement.

For example, “The garbage needs to go out,” expresses that something needs to be done – the garbage needs to go out.

It’s mitigating when the speaker expects someone will take the hint and do the task. If it isn’t done, there can be hurt feelings (Nobody ever listens to me!), disappointment and blame. What’s missing is a clear and direct statement or question that makes the intended desire explicit.

The direct language is, “The garbage needs to go out. Will you take it out tonight? Or, “Let’s make sure it goes out tonight.”

*         *         *         *

Mitigated speech undermines confidence and takes tiny bites out of our capacity to show up fully in a work, family or social relationship.

It may be a remnant of 19th-century manners when status-appropriate roles required that authority be deferred and power be in the hands of the ruling class. Today, though, it just feels toxic, sly and victim-y.

These days, when you mitigate around a person who is direct, you’re likely to be ignored. You are more likely to generate anger or frustration than to get the outcome you want. At work, you risk losing respect (or worse) amongst your peers or colleagues. You’ll come across as disingenuous, be marginalized, and you will be the one who isn’t having much fun.

It’s far better to be clear about what you want and to have the courage to ask directly for it. People won’t always like it, but at least everyone will know where you stand, and that is almost always a GOOD THING.

In closing, I leave you with a quote from Laura Whitworth, one of my teachers and a founder of the Coaches Training Institute.

She would say:

“You get to know what you want.

You get to want what you want.

  You get to ask for what you want.

      And you get to negotiate the difference.”

 *         *         *         *

Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level? Contact me now to set up an Ascendant Initiative call. We’ll discuss your top challenges and the steps you can take toward a solution.


As an advocate for women being empowered in their careers and lives, I work with professional women who often sidestep difficult conversations, struggle with speaking up at meetings or are unsure how to navigate office politics.

My executive coaching program, The Ascendant Woman – How To Access and Leverage the Three Sources of Your Leadership Power, shows you how to stand confidently in your authority, influence, and leadership to go from so, so to sensational.

Contact me now to find out how to develop your Feminine Leadership Power that makes you unstoppable.

The Ascendant Woman – Advancing Feminine Power in Business

You are life passing through your body,
Passing through your mind,
Passing through your soul.

You are the force that moves the wind and breathes through your body.
The whole universe is a living being that is moved by that force,
And that is what you are.

You are life.

Imagine living and knowing that YOU are the Force that breathes through your body and moves the universe.

Imagine living without ever any doubt that YOU are the beautiful expression of this Force.

And imagine that how you define yourself – and what you identify with – is a Force of unlimited potential.

This major shift in self-perception is the key to personal empowerment, fulfillment and success in every form.

So what is the evidence that YOU are this Force that it is living powerfully through you?

*       *      *     *

Here are a few examples of what Life Living Through You might be like.  Once you get the feel for it, I’m confident you’ll add your own experiences.

  • Moments of Astonishment.  It’s almost as if you’re being caught off-guard by an awareness – or an Ah-Ha! understanding – of something magnificent.  You feel your Heart open and awareness floods in through all your senses. It seems like nothing  will ever be the same again!


  • You meet someone and you think it’s random. But for some reason your Heart expands, there is an immediate connection and at some core level, you know this meeting is special.


  • In a moment or period of darkness or struggle a flash of inspiration or insight brings resolution closer. You know exactly what to do next.


  • Moments in nature or in solitude when your Heart swells with appreciation and Love for no apparent reason. You are present, Alive, In This Place. Now.  You can feel your breath connecting you to the deep well of existence.


The Ascendant Woman knows that none of these moments are random or chance occurrences. She understands that her natural identity is with Life Living Through Her.  She is able to let go of the idea that “life is doing it to you”, or even “life is a struggle and then you die”.

She senses and knows at an Essence level that there are no circumstances or situations that are beyond her control.

She is free.

*       *      *     *

In closing, here is a  gem from Mahatma Gandhi:

There is a Soul Force in the universe which,
if we permit it,
will flow through us
and produce miraculous results.

To thrive in these challenging and changing times, we need to remember that this is who we really are at the core level of our awareness.


Are you ready to take your leadership to the next level? Contact me now at to set up your Ascendant Woman Power call. We’ll discuss your top challenge and the steps you can take toward a solution.

Gillian Windsor, CPCC, PCC, BCC
The Ascendant Woman – Advancing Feminine Power in Business